
Recon­di­tioning — the economical alternative


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The recon­di­tioning of a ball or roller slewing ring bearing is a worth­while and
time-saving alter­native to new production: Recon­di­tioning often costs not even 50% of the price of the component and is usually imple­mented within a few weeks of work.

Appli­ca­tions can be found in the field of material handling, cranes, steel mill equipment or mechanical engineering. With an recon­di­tioning of your slewing bearings you signif­i­cantly increase their service life. Your pivot connection is again ready for the next years of operation.

Condition for a successful recon­di­tioning of course, is the funda­mental condition of the slewing bearing and the type of appli­cation. Therefore we make a feasi­bility study in advance. Your slewing bearings is inves­ti­gated to the following aspects:

- Dimen­sions
— Size accuracy
— Wear
— Cracks or other damage
— Physical properties of the material

If required, we offer an analysis of the slewing bearing on site and advise you in removal and instal­lation of your slewing bearing.If an recon­di­tioning is sensefull we take the following steps:

- Repair or recon­di­tioning of the teeth
— Processing of the tracks
— Machining or replacement of the rolling elements
— Replacement of spacers and sealing system
— Initial greasing of the recon­di­tioned slewing bearing

We have got your interest? We will advise you personally and show the possi­bil­ities of recon­di­tioning your slewing bearings. You can contact us via info@dgwl.deor through our contact form.

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